Grilled asparagus with mousseline sauce

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Want to prepare asparagus differently? Then go for grilled asparagus with a mousseline sauce. Give your sauce a truly local touch with eggs straight from the farm.


1 kg white asparagus

2 tbsp pine nuts

1 bunch of watercress

olive oil



For the sauce:

3 egg yolks

50 g butter (cold lumps)

2 tbsp chopped dill

0.50 lemon (juice)

10 ingredients selected


Peel the asparagus and remove the woody bottom.

Stir them through some olive oil and season with salt and pepper. Grill them for about 10 minutes in the grill pan. Turn regularly.

Mix the lemon juice among the three yolks. Season with salt and pepper.

Add a dash of water and beat until frothy on low heat. 

Add the lumps of cold butter while whisking. Stir in the dill and season with salt and pepper.

Divide the asparagus among the plates. Pour the mousseline sauce over them and finish with the pine nuts and watercress.

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